Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Martha Stewart ain't got nuthin' on me!

Yep, I am talking smack to Martha Stewart.

In the spirtit of the holidays I decided to try to do some more "homemade" type gifts then getting suck into the consumerism around Christmas...that and funds are pretty tight with the upcoming nuptials and all.


I decided to make those super cute flower pins for the females in the fam!

They are all over etsy...

You can wear then on a sweater or a jacket...

(fabulous finds)

you can pin them to a clutch or an over the shoulder bag...whatevs..

(Davie and Chiyo)

I have to take a time out from our regular scheduled programming and just say that I love the clutches in Davie and Chiyo's etsy store so much that I make pretty similiar type clutches...BEFORE I came across the store! Really though there is like a million duplicates on I'm okay. They aren't EXACTLY the same...

OK...back to what I came to write about!

The flower pins I am making. I haven't completely finished them but I wanted to show you one that is about 90% done. My very first one I might add.

I found the tutorial on wise craft. It may not be Marths Stewarts tutorial but she has one...I just could follow this one better.

I took this pic with my iphone, so please excuse the quality.
The colors are actually blue and brown the family member that I am making it for absolutely loves these colors and the material is corderoy and the blue flower motif is a raised felt type material. Its got a lot of different textures going on. I like it, its not my style exactly but its perfect-o for her and really isn't that all that really matters:)

I decided something as I was writing this post
(hey! I can do 2 things at 1 time!)

I'm going to have a series on here called...

"If Martha can do it, so can I....maybe"

I will take a turorial found on the web or maybe in a book and try it out myself.

I'm not naturally crafty. It does not come easy...I have to work very hard at it! So we will see if a "normal" person can do thesey so called "easy crafts"

I can see it now.....

it just might take the world wide web by storm!

Better get back to the pin making...its 18 hours until gift opening. Yikes!

Happy Holidays!
