Sunday, December 27, 2009
Introducing my best friend...Alchemy!!
I hope all of you had a fantabulous holiday!! Just 4 more days until 2010...that's just crazy I tell you...crazy!
I am 99% positive that anyone reading this either lives on Etsy or at least heard of it...if you have NOT heard of Etsy, then stop right here and type in and get your little butt over there! pronto!
everyone back and ready to move on?
So as I was saying I am a 100% positive that you all know about Etsy BUT did you all know about their feature called Alchemy?
If you have - Congrats!! If you have not - then this post is for you!
Alchemy could truly be your future best friend too. Its pretty amazing and is perfect for a bride to be.
Have you ever had this idea in your head but you had no way of making it, you have scoured the stores and surfed the net for something even similar and all you have come up with is a big goose egg?
Enter Alchemy!!!
Turn your ideas into reality with Alchemy!Buyers can post requests for handmade items, and sellers bid on the opportunity to make the goods. - Straight from the Etsy site itself
Just think of yourself as the head designer and Etsy is your wildly creative and talented staff that can make your ideas come to life ...Poof...there they are at your doorstep Not bad, huh?
All you have to do is click on to etsy, click custom, and fill out a bid request and I swear in a matter of hours you will start getting bids. Well depending on how area specific your request is - response might be a day...that is still outrageous!
Your ideas could be totally unique ideas....
Carpenter needed to make custom wood canopy for fish tank
painting of your cat
a plush stuffed sewn milk carton
Maybe you want something custom made...
rubber stamp, first Christmas ornament, or a cake topper.
May be you saw something and and want it recreated like:
Oxidized brass chain bracelet/ring combination, must be identical to the picture provided.
Custom adult women's shirt similar to picture
Crisp Tea Length Wedding Dress Reproduction
By the way, all the ideas above were straight off the alchemy request board ( I don't judge....) - even the ones without links ( they just didn't have pictures)
Do you have a certain fabric that matches your reception decor perfectly and you want bunting flags made out if it
you have the perfect centerpiece idea but have no idea how to go about it
you created a fab logo for your wedding and now you need stickers, rubber stamps, escort cards, etc....?
ALCHEMY is your answer! Seriously I can go on and on and I really shouldn't because I'm not sure if what I've typed so far makes since..its 4 in the morning ( don't ask..)
Oh wait!! can I can also put your price point on the request ...How cool is that???
I bet the wheels are turning now??
I just have to say this WAS NOT a sponsored post, I just truly love the Alchemy option on Etsy! I personally have used it 6 times.
I better be off... I really do need to sleep.
But I would love to hear if you have used alchemy in the past or since reading this post do you now have a request that you are going to post in Alchemy.
I want to hear all about it!!
Happy Designing!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Martha Stewart ain't got nuthin' on me!
In the spirtit of the holidays I decided to try to do some more "homemade" type gifts then getting suck into the consumerism around Christmas...that and funds are pretty tight with the upcoming nuptials and all.
I decided to make those super cute flower pins for the females in the fam!
They are all over etsy...
You can wear then on a sweater or a jacket...
(fabulous finds)
you can pin them to a clutch or an over the shoulder bag...whatevs..
(Davie and Chiyo)
I have to take a time out from our regular scheduled programming and just say that I love the clutches in Davie and Chiyo's etsy store so much that I make pretty similiar type clutches...BEFORE I came across the store! Really though there is like a million duplicates on I'm okay. They aren't EXACTLY the same...
OK...back to what I came to write about!
The flower pins I am making. I haven't completely finished them but I wanted to show you one that is about 90% done. My very first one I might add.
I found the tutorial on wise craft. It may not be Marths Stewarts tutorial but she has one...I just could follow this one better.
I took this pic with my iphone, so please excuse the quality.
The colors are actually blue and brown the family member that I am making it for absolutely loves these colors and the material is corderoy and the blue flower motif is a raised felt type material. Its got a lot of different textures going on. I like it, its not my style exactly but its perfect-o for her and really isn't that all that really matters:)
I decided something as I was writing this post
(hey! I can do 2 things at 1 time!)
I'm going to have a series on here called...
"If Martha can do it, so can I....maybe"
I will take a turorial found on the web or maybe in a book and try it out myself.
I'm not naturally crafty. It does not come easy...I have to work very hard at it! So we will see if a "normal" person can do thesey so called "easy crafts"
I can see it now.....
it just might take the world wide web by storm!
Better get back to the pin making...its 18 hours until gift opening. Yikes!
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Why a 'bride to be' should read this wedding blog!
First off let me introduce myself before I tell you all the reasons why you won’t be able to live with out this blog!
I’m Cam – your guide to all things dee-lish!
This is my fantastic fiancee’…..I refer to him as “The Duke” – long story! We just got engaged a couple of weeks ago and looking to have our wedding in September. Woo -hoo!
And these are our children…
Alexis and JJ. Aren’t they just the cutest?!
Are you wondering what exactly this blog is about? OR maybe your wondering why you should read this wedding blog because there is like a zillion and one wedding blogs out there!!
Either way let me educate you on why you should subscribe to this little piece of heaven and tell you what its all about.
Have you ever been reading a blog when they show a picture of a totally unique idea and you wonder to yourself – how did they do that?
They tease you, not on purpose, I’m sure…but a teaser none the less. They show you a gorgeous picture of a fabulous idea and then BAM…nothing... Let me give you an example:
After looking at this pic – I want to know:
(image from wedding of Lena Corwin)
How did they make that?
How did their guests use it?
Did they have a certain time of night to do it
How were the pics taken?
Did they use it for a guestbook?
Did you send the guests pics after the wedding?
There is a ton of burning questions that I have. ( seriously, I could come up with like 20!)
I want all the details…right down to the nitty gritty! The nuts and bolts!
Now that people is what this blog will deliver.
It doesn’t stop there…oh no…there’s more.
We will also have the latest in the wonderful world of wedding planning. There will be a bevy of pictures and ideas that everyone can oohhh and aahhhh over…and then you write down this marvelous idea in your trusty wedding notebook and add it to your "to do list" for the wedding planning.
At least that’s my hope!
( a unique idea for your wedding....wait to see)
If you are from the great state of Michigan then there is an extra special bonus for you here at Delicious Details.
As you can probably tell from my profile pic its my homestate too!
Anyways…when I peuruse all the other blogs they will showcase these out of this world vendors and these over the top weddings but are they ever from Michigan???
I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that one without my help!
and then I said to myself...
Wait a minute.....
Michigan is host to some pretty amazing weddings – and houses some pretty kick ass vendors and I happen to think they need a little more publicity then what they are currently getting out here in the interwebs.
So that is where delicious details comes in... I want to have those weddings and those vendors right here on this blog!!
For those who are not from Michigan...don't worry...I am hoping to be able to give shout outs to people all over this country!! So send in your ideas, weddings, whatever!!! I would love to see them!
I'm going to end this post and hope that I might have convinced a couple of you to come on back:)
Take Care,